Sunday, 2 September 2012

A Weekend of Campfires

This weekend was full of family and campfires. On Saturday we had a lazy day and then went to Alexis' parents to make bannock hotdogs which were yummy.

On Sunday we went out to Derek's grandparent's cabin for the day.  Derek and Clyde got out for some Kayaking and Anders stole his first kiss from baby Ella.

Here's my top 5 moments:

  1. Eating together as a family and trying some of Clyde's chili with cinnamon. Who ever thought of adding cinnamon to chili is a genius! Seriously.
  2. The ride home with Derek
  3. Completing a Garfield puzzle with the fam in 10 minutes. Loved to see the hands buzzing around in a frenzy. 
  4. Ella and Anders talking and cooing at each other
  5. Roasting the perfect marshmallow for our s'mores

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