Thursday, 4 October 2012

Oh no, SNOW!

That's right, we got hit. It is absolutely miserable outside. Miserable day = a nice hot cup of apple cider for me, a big sweater for Anders, and a movie day for the two of us.

These last couple of years the snow has held off until just before Christmas and I kind of liked it. I love having snow for Christmas, but if I had it my way, when Christmas is finished so is winter. My dad is the opposite. He loves winter "you just need to dress for it".

I have a personal goal to try a winter sport this year... I'm going to try cross country skiing. I'll let you know if it takes. If it doesn't I hope Derek is up for the challenge of playing outside with Anders; because I'm not sure if it's going to be me.

1 comment:

Le Fresne said...

Can't believe your experiencing snow already! Quite jealous of your hot apple cider!

le fresne x