Tuesday, 20 November 2012

Little Teeth

A couple of things have been on my mind lately...
Christmas, birthdays, parenting, and return to work.
Sometimes it seems like a lot, that my head is swimming.
But it is also a lot of fun.
Gotta remember the fun.
I'm trying to psych myself up for yet another change in our family dynamic,
and what that means.
But I'm trying to be present every day.
And enjoy the little things that make the here and now so special.
Like these little teeth.


Alexandra Zakharova said...

So so cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Adorable post)))
Have a happy time!

Best wishes, Alexandra

alice {sweet dreamer} said...

Such a cute photo! So precious. x

Sheila said...

Cute!!! :)

xo - Sheila

The Dainty Dolls House said...

So precious, bless :) x