Monday, 6 May 2013


Derek and I have been trying to get in a better habit of saying our family prayers more regularly  We feel that this is a special time to show our love to our Heavenly Father as well as our family.

I am a visual person so right away when Derek and I talked about this I knew I'd need a sign or reminder of some sort. I knew I wanted something simple but also something that wasn't "corny". I thought about it for awhile and then it came to me... scrabble magnets for our fridge!

We had an old scrabble game that we never used so I thought the magnets would make not only a good prayer reminder, but we could also leave little notes or a fun "word of the day" on the fridge. I went to work, and in about 30 minutes I had some scrabble magnets assembled and a new fun family activity. It never gets old to see what comments Derek leaves... sometimes they are sweet and sometimes I have no idea where they came from. But it is always fun and interesting to see what is on your family member's minds. Anders also has fun with them- under close supervision of course. When we are busy doing other things we make sure the magnets are high on the fridge and out of reach.

Overall this small change in our kitchen has created some great family bonding time!

1 comment:

Alexandra Zakharova said...

Such a great idea:) I don't know the rules of this game unfortunately, actually we don't have such game in my culture, though I saw that many times in some american films and was curious about that:)
Nice post, well done!
Have a great time!

Best wishes, Alexandra