A big sweet thanks to Meg the Cool
Girl for the nomination!
The Liebster Blog Award “is all about discovering blogs,
and helping those with less than 200 followers to get recognized."
The Rules
Each person awarded must
post 11 facts about themselves.
Answer the 11 questions
the nominator has set for them.
Create 11 more questions
for the bloggers they will nominate.
Choose 5 bloggers to
Let the lucky bloggers
Eleven facts about me:
I met my husband when we were 5. I had a crush
on him then, but we didn't start dating until we were 18.
I’m a sucker for children’s stories. Now that
Anders is here I have a good excuse to build my children’s book collection. One
of my favorites is Peter Pan illustrated by Robert Ingpen.
I love the feeling of
being out in the sun all day, coming home, having a shower, and getting into
comfies (i.e. sweatpants or the like).
· Sad to say, but I don’t like the Simpsons. Derek’s
been trying to turn me, but has failed miserably.
· Some of my favorite smells are pie baking,
Derek’s aftershave, chili cooking, Anders’ hair, and vanilla.
· I love mixing a spicy herbal tea with hot
chocolate to get different flavors.
· One of my favorite dates was going for a
midnight roller blade on a warm night and finding a small pond. We sat and
watched the stars. So simple, but perfect for me.
· My favorite times in university were the days we
got our organizers. I just love to get organized… nerdy I know, but I just
function better.
· Sometimes I like to drink juice in a martini
glass. It just tastes better that way.
· There is nothing better than the feeling of a
new pair of socks on my tootsies.
· I have never broken a bone, but I did tear my
ACL in my left knee.
Meg’s Questions:
1. What is
your favorite song at this very moment?I really need to update my playlist,
but right now it’s “Under Your Spell” by Desire.
2. What is
your favorite perfume? “ Versus” by Versace when I want to relax,
“Play” by Givenchy when I’m feeling flirty.
3. What is
your favorite quote? I really appreciate quotes, but I don’t surround
myself by them. But I love the statement “Be present every day”. It is so
simple but it can have a huge impact on your life if you live it. It is
the small things in life that bring the greatest happiness and excitement; but
you need to notice them to savor them. There is nothing worse than living your
life in a fog of routine and reaction instead of action and appreciation.
4. What is
your comfort food? Chocolate, chocolate, chocolate. Always, and forever,
5. What is
one thing that can make you laugh, no matter what mood you're in? Slapstick
and the Despicable Me 2 movie trailer (probably because of the slapstick).
6. What is
something that you are afraid of? To not find my passion in life. I want to
do something that matters. I just need to find it.
7. What is
something most people don't know about you? I like toast with jam and
cheese. All together in an open faced sandwich. Some people find that
combination disgusting, but it is quite delicious.
8. What is
one thing you wish was a trend in fashion? All out ballerina get up: the
tutu, the makeup, the slippers with ribbon. This is probably my greatest
regret in life; that I wasn't a ballerina.
9. What is
the story behind your blog url? My grandpa’s name is Swaney. It actually
wasn’t his given name, he changed it but that’s another story. My grandpa
Swaney loved to go garage sailing to find deals. In fact, he had antiques all
over his yard, house, and garage. He’d buy anything from an old car to watches
to tractor seats to dolls (my grandma loved them). He has always been one of my
favorite people that I admired because he was passionate about something and he
found his niche. This love for thrifting and antiques rubbed off on me and is a
big part of who I am.
10. What is
your favorite movie? Never let me go (this is where I fell in love with
Andrew Garfield, not Spiderman).
11. Do you
have a favorite constellation? If yes, which one? If no, you can
have mine, Cassiopeia! It is Cassiopeia! Derek and I randomly chose 2
stars one night and Cassiopeia was right in the middle of them so we settled on
that. I would look at that constellation when Derek was in Honduras and send
him a wish that he would be safe.
Nominations and Blogs I love:
Alexandra at Svetusvet
Questions for the nominated:
1. What is
your favorite soft drink?
2. What is
the one thing you cannot live without?
3. What is
your comfort food?
4. What is
one thing that can make you laugh, no matter what mood you're in?
5. What is
something that you are afraid of?
6. What is
something most people don't know about you?
7. What is
your favorite fall fashion trend?
8. What is
the story behind your blog url?
9. What do
you do if you can’t sleep?
10. Who is
your all-time favorite person?
11. What
was the best gift that you have either given or received?
Thank you so, so much for nominating me. I'm over the moon!
I'm going to make a post about it in the next day or so :)
le fresne x
wow, thank you so much for nominating me, i'm so flattered! I also must say I like your blog a lot and it was really interesting to read this post! Just keep on creating!
Best wishes, Alex
X Jenny
I loved reading your answers!! Cassiopeia!?..we were destined to be friends! Xo
Thank you so much for the nomination:)! Loved reading about you!
Loved your answers! I loved the Simpsons when I was younger, but it's grown tiresome to me now and a bit boring. Love Despicable Me and can't wait for the second one :) Congrats on the award doll...hope you have a super weekend xx
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